Foreign Policy and Energy Policy
New Jersey - January 25, 2022
l oppose President Biden's encouragement of Russia to invade the Ukraine and then put our troops in harm's way solely as an attempted distraction from his many failings. Because President Biden will not admit that his energy policies are a disaster, but his team realizes that they have to find a way to reverse those mistakes without admission of fault, this escalation is an excuse to ramp up oil production, but with a human cost, just so he can save face. I demand that President Biden restore our energy independence by undoing his failed energy policies, and go from his "America Last" agenda to "America First", where we prioritize our own national interests, including the lives of our military, over all else. No excuses ne oil production, especially when they cause so much collateral damage. Just go back to energy independence as it was, with environmental safety measures, and without a needless military incursion to excuse it.
Gregg Mele, Esq. Republican Candidate for the 6th Congressional District of New Jersey
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